Comment For Teacher #2, Post #1
Teacher: Brian Nichols
Blog Summary:
In His blog The Evolution of Education Brian believes that we as teachers need to stop using the term "at risk" when discussing struggling students. He thinks we need to do away with this phrase because it focuses on all of the things that can't be fixed or we don't have control over. Instead Brian believes that we need to change our way of thinking and adopt "school dependent" as our new phrase. His reasoning for adopting this phrase is that it shifts the focus from areas beyond our control to areas we can affect and control. He wants teachers to focus on things like quality of instruction,interventions, mentor programs, and getting our students involved in clubs and other extracurricular activities. By focusing on what we can control instead of what we can not we can make a difference!
Comment Summary:
I told Brian how much I appreciated his blog and that I am tired of hearing teachers use "at risk" as an excuse to explain away struggling students. I said that I was a proponent of positive thinking and that is what his "school dependent" idea is all about. I told him that I agree with him that teachers should focus on areas that they can influence and control and not waste their time in those they have no control over.
Comment For Teacher #2, Post #2:
Teacher: Brian Nichols
Blog Summary:
Brian in his post discusses his recent attendance at an Edscape conference. He describes the wonderful experience he had attending sessions taught by people he looks up to and follows in the educational world. He himself also presented a talk about leading and learning from connections. Brian definitely is a proponent of having good connections to help you as a teacher. Brian obviously left the conference refreshed, stimulated and challenged to improve himself as a teacher and highly recommends attending an Edscape conference.
Comment Summary:
I told Brian how much I enjoyed reading about his experience attending an Edscape conference. I mentioned that it sounded similar to an ICEC conference that I attend in Kenya every 3 years and how much I enjoy it. I told him that what I enjoy the most is being in an environment that is rich with knowledge, passion, and experience and that I wish we could have the ICEC conference more often.
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