Post 1
Teacher: Dean Shareski
Blog Summary:
Dean's October 25th blog is about the Instagram application and how he finally realized it's importance. Dean was at first skeptical and a little bit put off by Instagram because of the many filters posters were using with their pictures. He was also a bit miffed at the lack of basic amenities like being able to crop a picture. Dean finally though figured out that the main strength of Instagram was not necessarily the program itself but what could be accomplished with it. He realized it was a great tool for telling a storyies using pictures. Dean now wishes that more schools would use it to tell their stories.
Blog Comment:
I really enjoyed your blog about Instagram! I am an avid amateur photographer and have never heard of Instagram before. After reading your blog I think I will check it out. I am like you in that I have a hard time moving away from apps that I know! So it may be a while before I switch over if I ever do.
Post 2
Teacher: Dean Shareski
Blog Summary:
The Impact of Twitter on Blogging
Dean in his Oct. 31st blog is discussing a pole he put on his blog to determine what effect if any twitter has on blogging. His hypothesis was that since Twitter is easier and less time consuming that it would have a negative impact on blogging. What Dean found instead was that there was a pretty even split between the blogging categories in his pole. The findings are as follows, 31% never regularly blogged, 17% had a blog before twitter and blogged more before, 18% created a blog after twitter and blog regularly, 13% had a blog before twitter and blog more now, and 21% had a blog before twitter and blog the same now.
Blog Comment:
Hi Dean,
I found your latest blog very interesting. I am new to twitter and to blogging having done both only for a couple of months. Your findings were not what I would have expected. Like you I would have expected for twitter to have a negative impact on blogging. I guess it just shows how interconnected social media tools are. Where one leaves off another picks up so that in the end you have a seamless blend.