Sunday, December 2, 2012

Blog Post #13

Picture of a student holding up a sign saying My Class Size Averages 115
In their YouTube video A Vision of Students Today Michael Wesch and his students at Kansas State University are depicting what the collegiate world is like today for the average college student. College classrooms are much to large, professors rarely know anything about their students beyond a number. Most of the information taught is out of date, and what is taught is rarely relevant to everyday life. Students purchase,completely overpriced textbooks that are rarely used. They spend over twenty six hours a day on an assortment of tasks of which only about five hours are spent working and studying. Comparatively students spend an astronomical amount of time using some sort of technology.

What is Michael Wesch's solution? Why technology of course! I thought this video was a nice way to sum up what we have been learning about, the importance of technology, and the role it needs to play in education. I have seen first hand what college life is like having already received my degree. Upon returning to school this semester I have to say that while some things have changed for the better I still have a class that fits the description in A Vision of Students Today. I purchased a textbook,that I have used once, that cost over a hundred dollars. Class time is spent going over Power Points that I already have. Fortunately not all my classes are like that and my technology class is one of these. When I compare the two classes it is like night and day. Despite all the headaches and frustration, associated with my technology class, I have learned a great deal more pertinent information and skills than either of my other two classes combined. I agree with Michael Wesch that the education system is completely flawed and that technology may be the key to getting it back on track. Today's students are so tied into technology that you would need a scalpel to separate them. Why try? Why not incorporate what students are passionate about into our classrooms? Why are we trying to fit a square peg into a round hole? A good educator tries to connect with his or her students. What better way than through technology? I love the old saying "If you can't beat them join them".

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