Sunday, December 2, 2012

C4T #4 (Comments for Teachers)

Post 1
Author: Dianne Krause
Diane in her Nov. 12th blog entitles Dianne's Digital Discoveries has posed the question of where education will be by 2020. She has linked two videos to her blog that are extremely thought provoking. Both videos basically describe a world in 2020 in which education is online,available anywhere anytime and is free. Instead of tuition driving the education model skills will. The success of the top ten percent of students will finance the education of the rest of the world. Companies will pay to have these students work for them and that money will be used to fund the educational programs.
Hi Dianne,
I really enjoyed your Nov. 12 blog! I found the videos to be very thought provoking and exciting at the same time. The education system is in dire need of an overhaul and it looks like that overhaul is on the horizon if not already here. I look forward to more of you blogs!
Post 2
Author: Dianne Krause
Diane's November 29th post is a two part post. Part one is all about Flipping the Classroom. Flipping the classroom involves reversing the time students spend learning a subject and the time they use applying it. This is accomplished by teachers prerecording videos detailing the learning process that students can watch prior to coming to class. The result is that the students come to class already knowing the topic and this frees them up to apply what they have learned. It also frees up the teacher to be able to spend more one on one time with those students that need it. Diane has included many examples of this technique's successful implementation from all over the country.
Part two is about comparing how adults learn as apposed to youth. In part two Dianne does a great job of describing how each group learns and also includes tips on how best to teach each group. This part of her post is targeting anyone that is thinking about setting up an online course. Her main point is that it is critical to take into consideration who your students are going to be when putting together a course. Your course will be a success only if this is done correctly. Comment:
Once again I have really enjoyed your blog! I found both of your topics for Nov. 29th to be interesting but since I teach 6th grade your flipping the classroom was more pertinent. Flipping the classroom is a technique that I have been introduced to before. I am thinking of using it but I am not exactly sure how? I really appreciated all of the examples you included in your post of schools all over the country successfully implementing this technique! There were so many different subjects covered that I know that if I apply myself I can figure out how to use it. Thanks for sharing and for giving me the confidence to try flipping my classroom!

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