Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Picture of Child Narrator

Part 1 Peer Editing
Peer editing is a service that needs to be done and done well. When peer editing one needs to make sure that they do three things. First, be encouraging and begin your critique with positive comments. Second make suggestions to your peer on how they might improve their material. Last but not least be specific about what needs to be changed. Above all else though make sure that your critique is done in a manner that is positive and will not be taken personal by your peer.
There are some things you need to watch out for when peer editing that I learned from watching the last peer review clip. First do not be too picky, do a good job editing but don't rub your peer's nose in it. Second make sure you stay on task and focused by being specific in what needs to be corrected. Lastly make sure that all corrections are proposed as suggestions and in a kind, inoffensive manner.
Check out these clips!
What is Peer Editing, Peer Edit To Perfection Tutorial, Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes

Technology Full Special Education Classroom
Part 2 Technology in the Special Education Classroom
Technology is great in the regular classroom but it is a God send when it comes to the special education classroom. Technology allows kids with special needs to perform at a much higher level than they were previously able too. In some cases technology has completely eliminated a disability that a child had and allowed them to return to the regular classroom. Technology is great because it also allows exceptional kids to do mundane tasks like talk and write that normal kids take for granted much, much faster. What was once a chore now becomes eagerly anticipated if not a pleasure.
Technology has not only had a huge impact in the lives of the individual exceptional student but also in how their classes are taught. Technology is interesting and engaging and removes the struggle that regular classroom teachers, as well as special education teachers, have of maintaining student's attention and motivating them. Technology also allows exceptional students to be more independent both int the classroom and at home!
Check this neat clip out!
Technology In Special Education
Frog Picture
Part 3 Apps In The Classroom
I went to Apple Education and being a Science teacher whose passion is Life Science I was immediately drawn to the Frog Dissection App. I would use this in my class when we are studying reptiles. This App would make it very easy for my students to see first hand the anatomy of a frog with out sacrificing the lives of any frogs. My squeamish students would thank me but I would be glad that I would not have to worry about my students accidentally,or not, cutting themselves or their classmates with their scalpels. Another plus for this App is that it would go a long way towards making the topic easy and understandable because lets face it letting 11 and 12 year old students use scalpels could be a bit messy. With clear graphics they still have the sense of discovery with out all the mess.
Technology full Classroom

Part 4 Digital Smarts
In Edutopia's video clip Harness Your Student's Digital Smarts we get a good look at what technology can do for the classroom. Here we have a classroom, in about as rural an area as possible, that is totally connected to what is going on out in the rest of the world. Students are totally engaged in the learning process. They are thinking and learning for themselves with out having to be spoon fed by their teacher. I think what Ms. Davis is doing in her classroom is nothing short of amazing! This is an incredible method of teaching that is greatly appreciated by Ms. Davis's students.
Not only is Ms. Davis teaching her students skills that are cutting edge in the technological world she is also giving them connections to the real world by having them do tasks in collaboration with Ms. Lyndsey and her school in Quatar. Between them Ms. Davis and Ms. Lyndsey are doing what should be done with technology and that is to empower their students and also give them an incredible world view!


  1. Hi Paul! First I'd like to say, very nice layout. It looks much better than some of the other's that I've seen. Secondly, I think you did a great job of covering all the material that was covered in the videos/links. However, I do have a few critiques. Sorry dude.
    1. Your links do not seem to work for me. It may be just my computer, but you might want to double check that before you do too many more throughout this class.
    2. In paragraph one you write: "Second make suggestions" Don't forget to place that comma there between Second and make.
    3. Same type of thing here: "Last but not least be specific" Make sure to have a comma between least and specific.
    4. You have a few run-on sentences that you might want to either break up with a comma or semi-colon.
    Other than those few things I think you did a great job on the post.

    P.S. I read your "About Me" and I must say you have a great story. Also, I'll be following you on Twitter so when you see your new follower that's me!

    1. Hi Quentin,
      Thanks for the critique, I went in and fixed the link problem. They would not work because I was doubling up on the http code when I copied the link location. Will go in and work on the other later. Thanks again!


  2. Hi Paul,

    Thank you for a refreshing post! your post is very well written, and I find it easy for me to read and follow your topics. Also, great job on your links and pictures!

    Stephen Akins
